Our Story
MacroAgility Systems was founded in 2013 by Mubasher Ahmed. The firm’s story begins with an unusual degree of ambition, and a lot of hard, dedicated work from its founder and core team members.
As a leading partner of iManage’s Email and Document Management Systems MacroAgility recognized a need for the facilitation of iManage products, specifically the integration of iManage Work 10 and Share with applications and platforms already in use by clients. MacroAgility began to design software to fill these roles, and developed products that would reconcile iManage efficiency with these popular applications.
When MacroAgility launched, it specialized in working with firms in the legal sphere, desiring to make a difference in the productivity profiles of individual firm usage cases. What unique operational demands would a specific legal firm place on the iManage DMS generally? Further, how could the iManage Email and Document Management System be adjusted to boost productivity for a specific firm and improve its competitive presence?
MacroAgility was launched to fulfill this role, and unlock the potential of iManage specifically for legal work contexts. MacroAgility recruited team members who enthusiastically shared the company’s vision and passion for service-oriented consulting, and the firm’s scope quickly expanded to the financial sphere. As clients across the legal and financial landscapes reported a universally stellar experience, MacroAgility’s reputation and scope expanded to embrace optimized iManage applications in both spheres with equal expertise and professionalism.
Today, MacroAgility serves clients globally, and sustains a 100% rate of client satisfaction in both the legal and financial spheres. Our firm can handle complex SQL reports, migrating, iManage Cloud, iManage Security Policy Manager, iManage Threat Manager, iManage Rest API and IDOL search indexer servers with unimpeachable competence.